Friday, March 27, 2015

 Kindergarten Newsletter

April 2015

Dear Parents:

Our classroom themes for April are Easter and Spring.

Easter is on its way and it is always an exciting time for all young children. As a special activity we will have rabbits  in our classroom on Wednesday, April 1st and Thursday, April 2nd! We will be learning how to feed, hold and take care of rabbits before they come in.

This month in language arts we are focussing on beginning reading. A small group of sight words and family words will be introduced. The children are really excited to bring home their reading bags and to read to you what they have learned at school. In math we will be practising counting orally to 80, skip counting by 10’s, 5’s, and 2’s, counting backwards from different starting points  and review number printing 1 -10.   We will be starting our new math unit entitled: Exploring Geometry and Measurement. This unit includes describing and building with 3-D shapes (sphere: ball, cylinder: can, cube: box, pyramid: tent). They will also be comparing objects to determine concepts such as taller, longer, shorter, smaller, bigger, empty, full, less, more, lighter and  heavier. In Science, we will partake in Earth Day activities and explore the signs of spring of Spring.

Points to Note:

1.     Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the Spring season. The school playground is snowy, wet and muddy in places. Rubber boots or winter boots, extra socks, mitts and pants, and wind pants or ski pants are just a few suggestions.

2.     Easter Break is April 3rd- April 12th!

It was nice seeing you all again at parent-teacher interviews. Have a great month and let’s hope Spring brings warm weather soon!


Mrs. Kulcsar
Mrs. Sykes