Sunday, October 18, 2015
Our Halloween Party is fast approaching and the children are getting excited! Our Kindergarten Halloween Party will take place on Friday, October 30th beginning at 1:15 with a school costume parade. Our classroom party will follow and your child will be finished school at the usual time, around 3:25.
This year we are collecting $10.00 from each student to cover the cost of food for all classroom parties (Halloween, Christmas, Valentines). We will be purchasing a selection of party food for the children to eat and drink, so items from home are not necessary. Please send $10.00 to school with your child for this event.
Children are invited to change into their Halloween costumes during the noon hour on this party day. Parents are welcome to take their child home over the lunch hour to dress them. Please have your child back to their classroom by 1:10pm.
See you at the parade!
Mrs. Kulcsar & Miss Sykes