Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kindergarten Room 6 & 8

January Newsletter 2015

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and an enjoyable break with family and friends.

 Also, we would like to thank you so much for the lovely Christmas gifts. Your thoughtfulness and generosity was very much appreciated!!

This month our classroom themes will be The North and Winter Fun.

The students will be involved in a number of crafts and activities relating to The North and Winter. We will be growing a crystal garden and making an edible igloo. Each students will need to bring an apple for Wednesday, January 28th for the edible igloo craft.

The Kindergartens will be focusing on the letters of Hh, Jj, Kk and Ff. We will be practising rote counting to 50 and reviewing recognizing and printing of numbers 1-5. We are just wrapping up with “Exploring Patterns” and will be starting “Exploring Numbers 6-10” math unit. Other skills to be practised and learned are phone numbers, birthdates and the printing of their last name. 

Points To Note:

·        Please ensure that your child is dressed warmly for play at    

recess times (extra socks and mitts, neck warmers and/or scarves are a good idea).

·        KA & KB students need an apple for Wednesday, January 28th and KC students need an apple for Thursday, January 29th.

·        Hot lunches are an option for Mondays, please check Gillen 

Newsletter for specific food choices.

·        Scholastic book orders are due January 15th.

If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.

Have a super month! Stay warm!!

Mrs. Kulcsar

Miss Sykes