Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kindergarten – Room 6&8

November Newsletter 2014

Dear Parents:

October has whizzed by with many interesting and exciting events for our Kindergarten children. Family Fun Night, the Book Fair, and the Halloween Parade were definitely some of the highlights of this month.

The main classroom themes this month will be Remembrance Day and Mice.

It is amazing how fast two months go by and how much change that the Kindergarten children have had in their daily life routines. A big part of the Kindergarten program is socialization and being able to learn new skills and to gain confidence in this area. For the past two months the children have been working on skills such as taking turns, good listening, trying when it is hard, using kind words, sharing, following directions, asking to talk and ignoring distractions. Despite this tall order, the children are doing very well and they are progressing nicely in this area. Additionally, what is even more important is that the children seem happy and content in their classrooms.

Academically, this month the students will be studying the recognition, sound and formation of the letters Dd, Tt, Rr and Ss. They will also be learning to sound out words like dad, top, pot, rat and stop. The blending process helps children to apply their letter sound knowledge to a meaningful situation. This blending process is also an important building step for reading. In math, the students will be working on completing the Exploring Numbers 1 -5 unit. The next unit in math is “Patterns”.   The new math curriculum focuses on developing thinking strategies and related vocabulary, as opposed to traditional practices of quantity and rote learning.

Scholastic book orders will continue coming home each month. They offer an excellent selection of books and technology supports at a great price. However, do not feel obligated to buy as this is a convenience for those who want to order books. If you want to use any of these books for gifts (Christmas, birthdays...) please let me know and I will set them aside for you.

Report Card Interview days will be held on Wednesday, November 19th and Thursday, November 20th in our Kindergarten classroom. Each interview is scheduled for a 15 minute session. We will try to stick carefully to this schedule as it can run into other teacher/parent interviews. To help facilitate scheduling times, please make sure to complete and return the choice slip as soon as possible. I will try to accommodate your first choices as best I can. If you are unable to meet on these two dates, please let me know so we can set up an alternate date and time. Also, interviews will only be scheduled for one session per one child.

Points To Note:

1.    Please return interview choice slips as soon as possible.   

2.   To send warm outdoor clothing for the children to enjoy recess times (mini gloves or mitts, toques, ski pants, warm jackets). The weather is getting cooler each day and with wind can be quite brisk.

3.    Check out the classroom blog for new games, newsletter and calendar copies.

4.    Please refer to the monthly calendar for other special activities and dates.

In closing, I would like to thank you for being so good about returning forms, sending required school money, and remembering library times. It has been greatly appreciated!!

Have an excellent month and we look forward to seeing you at parent - teacher interviews.



Mrs. Kulcsar

Mrs. Sykes