Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kindergarten May Newsletter

Room 6

Dear Parents:

What a Spring we are having! Snow, rain and more snow! Definitely not the classic Spring season!!

 The students have completed the learning of all the letter names and letter sounds. All alphabet concepts will be reviewed throughout the remainder of the school year. We will continue with our guided reading program Key Links and Reading A-Z. These programs help build a foundation to help students learn to read.  The programs encourage students to discuss answers to questions that require critical thinking. They are encouraged to give opinions and to generate their own questions.  

 In math we will be exploring a new unit: Geometry and Measurement. Your child will be learning about shape and space of 3-D objects and how to compare 2 objects to tell which is taller, longer, heavier, or holds more.   

  To further enrich and support the Kindergarten children’s reading, we will be starting a “Home Reading” folder. So shortly your child will be bringing home a “Reading Folder” with new books in it each night. On the back of the folder are some suggestions for conducting the reading session at home. Just remember to keep the reading sessions short (10 minutes), fun and positive. Then your child will associate book time as positive and fun time, as opposed to, it feeling like a chore or homework period. Please return the folder each K-Day, as the books from their folders are switched with the other students each morning. Learning to read is an extra, not an expectation for Kindergarten, so what they absorb from the reading experience is all good. This is a wonderful activity that excites and motivates!

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May11th and we have a small gift that will be sent home on Friday, May 9th.

We will be having a Kindergarten Graduation once again this year.  The date for Kindergarten Graduation will be on Tuesday, June 24th, 2013. More details to follow in the June Newsletter.

Just a reminder to keep sending extra pants, socks and whatever you feel is needed to get us through this snowy, rainy, muddy and wet spell.

Keep warm and have an excellent month!!! 


Mrs. Kulcsar